Now, the realization of a barrier-free society, especially employment of disabled people and an increase in opportunities for active employment are being promoted.
AJIS Is a special subsidiary in 2010 as a pioneer of such society's request AJIS Corporate Service Co., Ltd. was founded.
The company is currently expanding its business and continuing to grow.

< number of employees >
38 people out of 29 disabled people
(Breakdown of people with disabilities · · · 9 physical disabilities, 8 intellectual disabilities, 12 mental disorders)

< Corporate philosophy >
We will learn together, grow together, and create a bright workplace.
We will contribute to society by drawing out the possibilities and motivation of each employee and increasing employment opportunities.

< Business contents >
mainly AJIS We undertake various kinds of work from the group as follows. The needs are diversifying, and the systems and equipment to be used are evolving year by year. We are also working on improving skills so that we can support it accordingly.

(Example) Printing of business cards and private envelopes, attendance management of group employees, management and setting of corporate PC · smaho, business arrangement, creation of sales tools, office cleaning, accounting data check · confirmation, file · system input

< I gathered the voices of all the workers >
● How is the atmosphere and support of the work place?
"People with disabilities can be relieved because there are many people with disabilities" "It is bright and bright", "It will help us in case of trouble"
"Understand early retirement and absence" "Listen to your own story" "It will give you the job that suits you"

● When do you feel growth?
"There is almost no case to cause panic", "PC's ability has improved" "I learned symbiosis with people with disabilities (healthy people)"
"I got my job left to me" "I started doing something I noticed from myself" "I greeted and can voice it"

● What do you feel troubled or difficult?
"There is anxiety and stress when contacting people" "Communication is difficult by people"
"Even people with disabilities must be educated as social workers (healthy people)" "Even if you teach it, you can not do it quite well (healthy people)"

I will continue to grow further by overcoming issues while actively communicating with my working colleagues.